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New to Dep't of Immunology?
Welcome to the Department of Immunology
We are located on the 7th floor at Medical Sciences Building.
To view our staff listing, please click here.
To view our faculty listing, please click here.
To view our Seminar Listing, please click here.
Here are some useful information. Please expand the content related to you.
Academic Appointment & Promotion
Academic Appointment
If you are interested in an appointment at the Department of Immunology, please send your updated CV with a cover letter stating the rationale for the appointment to us.
The Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for an Academic Appointment provides detailed information on the different types of academic appointments in the Faculty of Medicine and the application requirements for each category.
Academic Promotions
As defined in the University of Toronto Policy and Procedures Governing Promotions,promotion is based on demonstrated excellence in one or more of research, creative professional activity [CPA]), or teaching and service to the University.
- To be considered for the rank of associate professor, the candidate is required to have demonstrated a national reputation.
- To be considered for the rank of full professor, the candidate is required to have demonstrated an international reputation.
For a full description of requirements and criteria, all candidates should refer to the Manual for Academic Promotion.
Immunology Room Bookings
We have two meeting rooms located on 7th floor.
MSB 7206 - Small Meeting Room ( ~6 ppl)
MSB 7231 - Conference Room (~50 ppl)
Postdocs/Fellows Registration and Exit Forms
Please access the link here.
Also, please visit our postdoctoral/fellow page for more information.
Immunology Department Seminars
We have a variety of department seminars throughout the year for our students and faculty.
- Charles Gould Easton Seminars
- Student Seminars
- PhD Research Seminars
- Special Seminars
Deapartment seminar inquiries, please contact
Expense Reimbursement
All St. George faculty and staff will continue utilizing the ERDD system, however, all receipts and supporting document must be send via email to Carmen Ho ( (scan and picture of the receipts are acceptable). (if you have a personnel number, you should have access to ERDD)
On the ERDD system, please remember to enter how this claim is related to UofT Business and name of attendees. For example, special occasion, please indicated what it is (i.e. lab lunch for celebration of thesis defense for XXX on April 27, 2023. Name of attendees includes:)
New reimbursement form should be used by causal staff, student, postdoctoral fellow and all external claimants (i.e., visitor, status only Professor). Please read instruction below:
- One reimbursement form per event
- Please turn on micros, in case it is disabled when you open the spreadsheet.
- Enter information onto "tab 3 - receipt itemization."
- All the yellow fields must be filled out.
- Please enter all the receipts (one receipt per line),
- For Outlook user - Once completed, please “save” and click submit. It will generate an email on your outlook, please edit the content of the email based on the instruction on the email. Then attached your supporting documents (receipts) to the email
- For MAC user, the submit button does not work, please email the spreadsheet and all supporting document to Carmen Ho (
Organizing the receipts and supporting documents
- Scan or take a picture of the receipts and combine it into one pdf file in the order from "tab 3 - receipt itemization" or if you only have adobe reader and can not combine the files, please rename each pdf file according to number on "tab 3 - receipt itemization."
- Submit the pdf file containing the receipts and completed reimbursement form (spreadsheet) to Carmen Ho (
- No need to obtain signature. I will return the full reimbursement package for the claimant and approver to sign off once I review the supporting documents and confirm nothing is missing.
- If there is USD currency, please provide a copy of the statement showing the USD to CAD conversion.
- Here is a link to the reimbursement checklist on the supporting documents required for the claim: Expense Reimbursement Checklist - Template - Financial Services (
Medical Sciences Building Information
FOB and Room Access
For Immunology Labs and Office rooms Access Requests, please complete the web form here
For Temerty Faculty of Medicine facilities Access Requests, please contact each facility for access.
- Division of Comparative Medicine(DCM)
- Flow Cytometry Facility
- Other Temery Faculty of Medicine Facilities listings, please visit here.
Campus Contact
Facility Service(other building related issues): 416-978-3000
- Elevator Issues
- Water Issues
- Door issues (Door Jammed, etc)
Campus Safety: 416-978-2222
Caretaking: 416-978-6252