This course provides a forum in which students present the results of their research in a formal seminar. Normally each student presents a seminar each year. All students are expected to attend regularly. Absenteeism of >30% of the seminars in any term will constitute a failure and the student may be required to leave the program.
This is a Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) course.
Course Policy:
It is required for students to submit their seminar title 1 week before their presentation.
Seminars will be given by PhD students in their 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of study; PhD students in year 5 and beyond will be be exempt from presenting.
Students will receive detailed feedback on their final two presentations
After their final presentation, students will be required to write a self-reflective 1 page (single spaced) document describing the challenges they had in presenting their work and how they’ve overcome those challenges. This reflection piece will be evaluated by the course coordinator.